Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Basic oral hygiene and your dentist in Buckinghamshire

When you visit the dentist in Buckinghamshire at Garden View Dental Care, you will get more than just a physical check-up. We offer support for your home-based dental hygiene routine by talking to you about what you currently do and suggesting new things you could try.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireSome people are reluctant to talk about their oral hygiene habits when they visit the dentist in Buckinghamshire. This is usually because they are embarrassed or feel like they aren’t following some of the ‘rules’ of good dental care. It’s important to remember that, at Garden View Dental, we aren’t here to judge. We understand that life is busy and that dental habits are formed in all sorts of ways – usually by childhood practices that you may not even remember.

Whatever you do has worked for you up until now but, if you want to, we can help you change so that your teeth are well looked after. This can prevent you needing extensive dental work in the future.

The most important foundation of an oral healthcare routine is brushing your teeth. It is recommended that you do this at least twice per day. If you have dental equipment, like braces, fitted, you may need to brush after every snack and/ or meal. This is not generally recommended though as you can overbrush your teeth. It’s also best to wait a little while after eating before you brush your teeth. This is because the act of chewing can soften the enamel on the teeth, which makes it more susceptible to erosion.

There are many different types of toothbrush that you can choose from including:

  • Standard plastic toothbrush – these come in different colours and shapes. You can choose one that you like but, for everyday use, a soft toothbrush is usually sufficient. You need to change your toothbrush at least every six months or if the bristles begin to splay out to the sides;
  • Electric toothbrush – some people find these more efficient. They are also helpful for children who may not be able to imitate all the motions required for a really thorough brushing.

If you are unsure which toothbrush is right for you, talk to your dentist in Buckinghamshire at Garden View Dental.