Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Braces to blend in

It’s becoming more and more important to have straight teeth. If you look around at young people’s teeth, hardly any of them have misaligned teeth and jaws anymore. If they have jaw problems, this tends to get fixed, possibly on the NHS, when they are in their early teens. This is the optimum time to get such work done as the jawbones have not yet set hard.

However, many adults are now also taking advantage of the various clear braces in Beaconsfield, available at Garden View Dental Care, to join the trend for well-aligned teeth and jaws.

Clear Braces in BeaconsfieldThere are a couple of reasons beyond the desire for looking good for this move towards teeth straightening.

Why is teeth straightening in adults gaining in popularity?

The first reason is that straighter teeth are much healthier than crowded, crooked, leaning or protruding teeth. When the teeth are well-aligned there are fewer places that bacterial plaque can build up without being cleaned away by tooth brushing. This means less chance of decay and gum disease, the two main culprits behind tooth loss. Also, when the teeth are well aligned, the pressure created by chewing is evenly distributed, getting rid of the jaw, head, and neck problems created by uneven pressure.

A clear solution

The trick to getting straight teeth as an adult is to choose clear braces in Beaconsfield from us at Garden View Dental Care. Clear braces are so much easier to wear without attracting unwanted attention and personal remarks.

One brand is Six Month Smiles. These are clear braces in Beaconsfield designed to align the front six social teeth, which are the ones mostly on view when we speak and laugh.

Six Month Smiles are so-called because they take an average of six months to realign the teeth – in fact as little as four months and as much as nine months. They work on the same mechanical principles as traditional metal bracket and wire braces, but the brackets are made of clear ceramic and the wires are tooth-coloured titanium. Both are also smaller and so they blend in with the teeth instead of dominating them. As they are work on teeth with fewer roots than back molars, they require much gentler forces and are therefore more comfortable.