Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Preventative dental care for children in Beaconsfield

Keeping your children’s teeth strong and healthy is important for their overall health and development. With that in mind, at Garden View, we promote preventative dentistry for children as a priority – both at home and in our practice. Our experienced dentist in Beaconsfield will examine your children’s teeth and do their best to prevent cavities and protect their gums against gum disease. Our dentists and dental hygienists will also teach your children effective brush and flossing techniques and, if necessary, recommend preventative oral treatments such as sealants and fluoride applications.

Dentist in BeaconsfieldCavities and how to prevent them

Cavities can be very painful and if left untreated they can lead to bigger problems such as tooth loss. Decay can be prevented at home by teaching your children how to take good care of their teeth. We recommend brushing and flossing on a daily basis, as well as avoiding sugar and sugary beverages. Our Beaconsfield dentist will help you prevent cavities from developing and will guide and coach you and your children in fostering a good oral hygiene routine.

Extra protection

Children’s teeth are very sensitive and prone to decay. For this reason, we offer dental sealants and fluoride treatment to prevent cavities and help keep their teeth healthy for longer. Dental sealants are protective coatings directly applied to children’s most cavity-prone teeth. They have been shown to reduce tooth decay considerably and help keep teeth healthy and strong for longer. Dental sealants can last for many years with good care, but need to be replaced when broken or destroyed.

Fluoride applications are another way to protect your children’s teeth from decay. Fluoride varnish is entirely safe and is used by dentists to safeguard children’s teeth. Each application uses only a small amount of fluoride. Fluoride is quickly applied and hardens into a thick and solid protective shield that protects your children’s teeth from cavities.

Get in touch

At Garden View, we love to see your children smile! Our dentist in Beaconsfield will provide you with fun and friendly dental care specifically tailored for children. Call our office today and give your children the healthy smiles they deserve.