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Where beautiful smiles are created

Baby teeth do matter – dental care for children in Buckinghamshire

Many people do not understand the function of baby teeth, thinking that, as they are going to fall out eventually, they are not important. Unfortunately, this is not true. Baby teeth are very important for a child’s oral health and wellbeing. Not only do they help in speech development, but they also hold space in the mouth for the adult teeth. Without proper care, they can cause serious oral health issues.

At Garden View in Buckinghamshire, we are aware of the importance of baby teeth and for this reason we urge our patients to bring their children to the dental practice as soon as their first teeth appear. Good oral health habits start from the very beginning and that includes taking care of non-permanent teeth such as baby teeth. Our friendly dentist in Buckinghamshire will examine your children’s teeth and ensure that they are free of plaque and cavities.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireWhat if baby teeth get cavities?

You may be tempted to think that baby teeth are going to fall out anyway, therefore getting cavities is not that important. This could not be further from the truth. Cavities are not only painful, but they can also cause problems with the normal development of adult teeth. For this reason, it is really important to visit the dentist in Buckinghamshire. Decayed baby teeth can damage the whole jaw structure and impair children’s speech and chewing ability.

Cavities in baby teeth are often caused by over-exposure to sugar. Too much sugar causes bacteria to settle on the teeth, creating plaque that starts to eat away tooth enamel. Children are most likely to indulge in sugary snacks putting them at a higher risk for cavities. The pain that comes with cavities can interrupt sleep, as well as their ability to grow to their fullest potential. Oral health is also connected with overall health and cavities can encourage the multiplication of bacteria in the mouth that may eventually spread throughout the entire body.

Taking good of baby teeth will keep your children’s mouth health and plaque-free. Daily brushing and flossing help children understand that oral health is really crucial. Visiting the dentist in Buckinghamshire will also help them establish an oral health routine.