Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Clear advantages to straighter teeth

There are many advantages to having straighter teeth that may not be so obvious when we think about teeth straightening and braces treatment. Of course, straighter teeth look better and can give us a confidence boost, but straight teeth are actually better for the overall health of our mouths.

At Garden View Dental Care, we offer clear braces in Beaconsfield. These types of braces are similar to traditional metal braces, but are made from more modern materials. We also offer modern removable braces.

Clear Braces in BeaconsfieldOne of the main issues that puts patients off straightening their teeth is the appearance of traditional braces. In Beaconsfield, clear braces can be used so that appearance is no longer an issue for those who dream of having straighter, more perfect teeth.

Hidden health benefits

When we think of straight teeth, our minds will most likely focus on the appearance of our smile. Of course, straightening our teeth can completely transform the appearance of our smile, but we can also benefit from numerous health advantages.

Keeping our teeth clean is easier when our teeth are aligned and straight. Put simply, when our teeth are straight, harmful bacteria have fewer places to hide.

In Beaconsfield, clear braces can also help with how our teeth wear over time. When our teeth work together evenly when we chew, they are less likely to wear unevenly.

When the pressure produced when we chew is spread more evenly between our teeth, they are also less likely to chip or crack.

Having straighter teeth can help your teeth last longer into your life which benefits you in the long run.

Types of clear braces

There are lots of different types of clear braces on offer thanks to today’s advanced technology. At Garden View Dental Care, Six Month Smiles treatments can straighten moderately misaligned teeth in an average time of just six months.

Six Month Smiles acts more quickly than traditional braces can because the treatment focuses on just the front six teeth. The front six teeth are referred to as the ‘social six’ because they are teeth we show when we smile.