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Where beautiful smiles are created

Dental care for patients with diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that can harm various parts and organs of the body if left untreated. It’s also rather damaging to the teeth and gums, since it is linked to gum disease and other oral infections. In particular, gum, bone and tooth loss are real concerns for diabetic patients. For all these reasons, dental care for diabetics should be thorough and meticulous.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireAt Garden View Dental Care, we educate our patients about the risks of diabetes on their oral health and the measures they can take to stay on top of their oral health. Our dentist in Buckinghamshire will prevent any permanent dental damage related to high blood sugar.

Oral health risks associated with diabetes

Diabetic patients fall under 2 major categories – Type I and Type II. Pregnant women are also at risk of developing a special type of diabetes. While the type of diabetes is important for establishing an individualised treatment plan, it’s of little importance when it comes to the actual effect of the disease on the teeth and gums. All diabetic patients are at risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist in Buckinghamshire will take into consideration all aspects of your diabetes treatment and may collaborate with your doctor to establish an effective oral care treatment plan.

Diabetes causes dry mouth

Certain diabetic medications can cause dry mouth, since they decrease the flow of saliva in your mouth. Your dentist in Buckinghamshire may suggest different medications if possible in accordance with your doctor. Dry mouth can cause cavities, therefore it should be treated. In most cases, drinking plenty of water, brushing your teeth daily, chewing sugar-free gum or getting a saliva substitute are effective remedies.

Diabetes can also prevent proper healing

Uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes can also affect the healing process after oral surgery, since the blood flow to the mouth will be restricted and wounds won’t heal as quickly. Diabetic patients should not undergo dental surgery if their condition is not controlled and may not be eligible for certain treatments such as dental implants. When diabetes is under control, there are better chances for the surgery to be successful. In any case, your dentist in Buckinghamshire will make the final decision.