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Where beautiful smiles are created

Diet tips for healthy teeth from our dentist in Buckinghamshire

Our diet plays a big part in the lifespan of our teeth and the sorts of problems you can run into later in life such as cavities, fillings or decay. To keep your teeth looking good as you get older our dentist in Buckinghamshire has come up with a few things you can change in your diet to give those pearly whites a greater chance at lasting longer.

dentist-buckinghamshireStop smoking

First on the list of diet changes from our dentist in Buckinghamshire is to cut out smoking. One of the main causes of tooth decay, aside from sugar, is smoking. Having that quiet puff outside during work hours may help you de-stress, but over time this can stain your teeth, cause bad breath, increase your chances of gum disease and make you more vulnerable to other serious oral health problems such as mouth or throat cancer.

Reduce your sugary drinks intake

As we mentioned above, the amount of sugar you go through on a daily basis can have a drastic effect on your teeth. That’s why we recommend you try some alternatives such as sugar free substitutes or even just a glass of water instead of a fizzy drink. Having at least one glass of water a day is not only tooth friendly, but it can also help your concentration, hydrate your body and leave you feeling less thirsty than if you were to have a cola or other caffeinated drink.

At Garden View Dental Care our team will use their experience and knowledge to recommend some tooth friendly dietary alternatives if you’re unsure where to start.

Cut down on alcohol

Excessive alcohol consumption is another leading factor in the cause of tooth decay and depending on the amount you drink, it can seriously damage your teeth.

For example, those that ‘binge’ regularly and consume more than the recommended amount will suffer from an increased rate of enamel erosion and staining of the teeth. This in turn leads to them needing fillings or whitening sessions to try and restore their teeth back to their previous state of whiteness. If you can, try to limit the amount of alcohol you consume as much as you can.

Try to be food smart

Having a balanced diet is key to keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Try to cut down on the amount of sweets and sugary snacks you eat or even replace them with healthier alternatives, swap that chocolate bar for a stick of celery and crisps with tomato slices. Vegetables and starchy foods like pasta and potatoes are quite tooth friendly and can improve your overall health, plus dairy products like yoghurt and milk contain calcium which helps to strengthen your teeth.

These are just a few changes that you can make to your daily diet to improve your overall oral health. If you would like to learn what else is beneficial to your teeth then have a chat with our team at the practice to see what else you can do to keep those pearly whites shining for longer.