Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Give yourself a smile to be proud of

Everyone wants to be able to smile without being embarrassed or having to cover their mouths because they wish their teeth were not crooked, crowded or misaligned.

At Garden View in Buckinghamshire, clear braces are the norm. Clear braces are made from different materials from traditional metal braces. The wires are tooth-coloured to blend in with your teeth and the brackets that fix the wires to the teeth are made of transparent material.

clear-bracesThis means that you can wear your clear braces in Buckinghamshire and smile as much as ever in your day to day activities, knowing that your clear braces are barely noticeable.

I thought braces were only for teenagers

Not at all, in Buckinghamshire, clear braces are being worn by adults just as often as by teenagers. In fact, adults prefer clear braces because they do not draw attention to the fact they are having their teeth re-aligned in the same way that metal braces do.

How do clear braces work?

The clear braces we offer at Garden View are a system designed for people who do not need work to alter their bite. Because these clear braces are designed for improving the cosmetic appearance of your smile rather than your bite, the system can use gentler forces to move your teeth and the treatment typically does not take as long as it does for traditional braces. You can expect to be wearing your clear braces from somewhere between four and nine months. During that time the clear braces will use standardised, but gentler dental forces are employed to move your teeth into the desired new position. After the clear braces treatment has concluded, you will need to wear a removable retainer so that your teeth do not wander out of alignment again. If you do not want to wear this retainer, we can fit invisible bonded retainers to your teeth.

How much do clear braces cost?

These clear braces in Buckinghamshire can cost less than traditional braces. If you would like to find out more, or come in to Garden View for an initial consultation, please contact us by phone on 01464 674857, or email us at We will do our best to provide you with all the information and help you desire.