Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Got a dental emergency? What you can expect from our emergency dentist at Garden View Dental Care

Have you been experiencing an unrelenting pain under one of your teeth all day at work? Did one of your fillings fall out at 2 am?


Dental emergencies can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time. While most people don’t want to imagine themselves being in a distressing amount of pain due to dental issues, it is always important that you know what to do should such an eventuality occur.

At Garden View Dental Care, we are extremely proud of our onsite emergency dentist in Beaconsfield and are able to offer anyone who is in intense discomfort a same-day appointment. Our team will take the time to see you as soon as possible and take extra care when examining your mouth and teeth.

What can you expect if you call our emergency dentist in Beaconsfield?

Thorough examination

Many people have some idea of what may be causing their dental emergency; if you have excessive discomfort, swelling and pressure under a tooth, you probably have an abscess.

Regardless, our emergency dentist in Beaconsfield will take extra time and care to conduct a thorough examination of your mouth to determine what is causing the issue.

Once the examination is over, our team will decide on the quickest course of action to relieve any discomfort or pressure you are experiencing.

Pain relief

While it is common to be worried about needles at the dentist, many people who are experiencing extreme discomfort are relieved when they are offered pain relief in the dental chair.

Our emergency team is dedicated to getting you out of pain as soon as possible and will take extra care to ensure that any injection you receive is not in a tender area of your mouth.


At Garden View Dental, we often see emergency patients who are experiencing a dental abscess, a chipped or cracked tooth or a lost filling.

While it may seem odd to our patients, our emergency team will always sterilise any affected area or tooth in the mouth, to eliminate and kill any bacteria that may be lurking. This will help increase your overall recovery time and will prevent the likelihood of any infection forming or returning.

Restoration (if applicable) or extraction

If you have lost a filling or a crown, when you visit our dental team, we will aim to restore your tooth either temporarily or permanently. If we offer you a temporary restoration, it is important that you visit your regular dentist to have the restoration completed.

If you have severe decay or your tooth is broken beyond repair, we will remove it and ensure that any potential infection is treated swiftly and painlessly.


Depending on why you came to visit our emergency dental team, we may offer you aftercare in the form of a mouthwash, antibiotics or toothpaste to take home.

Remember, if we state you need to visit your regular dentist to complete any treatment we have started, please ensure that you do as soon as you can.