Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Half a year to make a lifetime of difference to your smile

What if someone told you that in only half a year you could transform your teeth so much that you’d find it hard to stop smiling? And what if they also told you that doing so wouldn’t cost you the earth, hurt like crazy or fill your mouth with so much metal that no one could fail to notice you were having ‘work’ done?

Well, at Garden View Dental we can tell you all those things about Six Month Smiles in Buckinghamshire. Six Month Smiles is the brand name of one of the most well-renowned cutting-edge braces treatments on the market.

Six Month Smiles in BuckinghamshireIf you are an adult who wishes they’d got their teeth straightened as a youngster, or maybe you did and they’ve gone out of alignment again, then Six Month Smiles in Buckinghamshire might well be the solution you have been waiting for.

This clear braces system is aimed at adults (and teens) whose front six teeth, the ones most on view, need some straightening, but who do not have any other serious problems with their bite.

With Six Month Smiles in Buckinghamshire, the teeth are straightened using discreet fixed braces (fixed braces work faster than removable aligners), which are made up of clear ceramic brackets and tooth-coloured wires. Brackets and wires use standardised mechanics, but because, with Six Month Smiles the aim is to improve the appearance rather than the bite, the forces needed to move the teeth are much gentler, and therefore less painful. This means there is a lower chance of root damage.

This is also why the whole process is much quicker, usually between four and nine months rather than two or more years. And a quicker treatment means a lower cost for you, the patient.

When the teeth have been moved into their new position, and the braces treatment is over, the patient needs to wear a removable retainer to keep them in their new place in the jaw. If you find that you just can’t keep remembering to put that retainer in, there is the option to have a bonded retainer fitted. This is also invisible.