Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Help! I need an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire!

At Garden View Dental Care in Beaconsfield, we take your dental emergencies as seriously as you do, and we do our best to see you on the same day that your accident or injury happens. Call us up on 01464 674 857 as soon as you need an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire, as we will make you an appointment for as soon as possible.

emergency-dentistryWhat injuries mean I need to see an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire?

An emergency dentist is vital if you have suffered an accident, perhaps playing sports or doing work around the house, or maybe even in your daily work, that leads to a chipped or broken tooth, or, one or more teeth coming out entirely.

Our emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire will also do their very best to see you on the same day if you are suffering from toothache, or have developed an abscess or trauma, avulsed teeth or facial swelling.

I have lost a tooth. What do I do?

First of all, it is very important to bring that tooth with you when you come to see the emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire. This is because there is a very good chance that the emergency dentist will be able to replace that lost tooth, and the sooner you come to see the emergency dentist, the higher the chance of being able to put that lost tooth back into your mouth. Wrap it up carefully, and bring it along to your emergency dentist appointment.

What happens when I get to the emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire?

Good question. This is the procedure that we follow at the emergency dentist. Firstly, our emergency dentist will carry out a thorough examination of the injured area. This may include taking dental x-rays to determine the extent of the damage to your teeth and jaw. Of course, if you are suffering pain, we will also use a local anaesthetic to numb the area. The emergency dentist will also sterilise the area, so that the risk of infection is reduced. Then, depending on the case, the emergency dentist, will restore the damaged or lost teeth.

Make an emergency dentist appointment

The best way to make an appointment with the emergency dentist is to call us at Garden View on 01464 674857.