Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

How an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire can help you with an emergency!

Our emergency dentist onsite in Buckinghamshire at Garden View Dental Care,will see you on the same day as you call if you have facial swelling.

Can an emergency dentist onsite in Buckinghamshire tell me why I have facial swelling?

emergency-dentistUsually our emergency dentist onsite at Garden View will be able to find the cause of the swelling. An infected tooth with an abscess (collection of pus) is the most common reason for facial swelling (cellulitis) seen by our emergency dentist onsite. This happens when a bacterial infection causing deep cavities penetrates through the tooth, out through the root, into the bone, and then into the surrounding facial tissues.

What is facial swelling?

Facial swelling usually develops after an injury, cut, bite, sting, or a dental abscess. However, it may also occur without any known cause. There is usually a localised area of redness, swelling, sometimes heat, and pain. There can sometimes be throbbing pain and a fever.Facial swelling or cellulitis is a very serious situation, and it is important to visit an emergency dentist onsite as soon as it develops.

Often our emergency dentist onsite will find that the facial swelling and abscessed teeth are caused by severe tooth decay, but they may also be caused by other issues.

These problems can cause openings in the tooth enamel, which can allow bacteria to infect the centre of the tooth (called the pulp). The infection may also spread from the root to the bones supporting the tooth.

My face is no longer swollen, should I still visit the emergency dentist onsite?

It is important to see the Buckinghamshire emergency dentist onsite, even if the swelling subsides. This is because if you have an abscessed tooth, the pulp in the root of the tooth may have died as a result of infection. However, this doesn’t mean the infection has healed; the infection remains active and continues to spread and destroy tissue. Therefore, if you experience facial swelling, it is important to see an emergency dentist onsite.

How do I contact an emergency dentist onsite in Buckinghamshire?

You can contact Garden View emergency dentist onsite by phoning 01464 674857, or email us at