Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

I don’t want a train track smile

In today’s society having braces doesn’t necessarily require highly noticeable metal brackets and wires. In fact, our fixed braces are made from either clear or natural, tooth-coloured materials to provide our patients with an attractive, less noticeable alternative to traditional fixed metal braces.

What is the difference between clear braces and clear aligners?

Clear braces in Buckinghamshire at Garden View, are the same as traditional metal braces, except that they are clear. Clear braces are a less noticeable alternative to traditional metal braces and provide patients with an equally effective treatment.

Clear Braces in BuckinghamshireClear aligners are different from clear braces in Buckinghamshire. Clear aligners are pieces of hard plastic that are designed to fit into your mouth like a mouth guard. Clear aligners are great for patients requiring minor orthodontic treatment, but clear braces can be a better choice for more serious dental issues that need addressing.

Advantages to clear braces

Clear braces in Buckinghamshire are much less noticeable than traditional train track style braces. Clear and ceramic braces offer an aesthetic alternative for our patients seeking other aesthetically pleasing options other than traditional metal braces.

Many of our patients also choose ceramic or clear braces to feel more confident about their teeth straightening treatment, especially when they can rest assured that that people are focusing on their smiles rather than their braces.

Disadvantages to clear braces

Dental treatments with clear braces in Buckinghamshire may sometimes take longer than with traditional metal braces. If you don’t mind investing a little more time in your smile, then talk to one of our dental professionals to find out how long your treatment time could be with clear braces.

Are clear braces the right choice for my smile and me?

By talking to us here at Garden View, you can decide if clear braces are the right treatment for you. Our dentists can provide answers to your questions and extra information explaining the benefits of each treatment. If you would like to learn more about clear braces and all the options available to you, please contact Garden View and schedule your half price initial consultation today.