Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Signs you should see our dentist In Buckinghamshire

Apart from the regularly scheduled check-up every six months or so, some patients still miss out on getting help from our team when they really should. This can be down to a number of reasons, but mainly it’s due to patients not knowing when to contact their dentist aside from appointments for ordinary treatments.

buckinghamshire-dentistThat’s why we’ve comprised a short list of a few things to keep an eye out for that might be signs that you should come in and see our dentist in Buckinghamshire for some help.

Constant or sharp pain

First on our list is if you are experiencing any intense or recurring pain in your teeth or gums that is not subsiding despite the use of painkillers. This could be a sign that there’s something seriously wrong with your teeth or there may be some potential nerve death, if this is the case, you should immediately book an appointment at the practice. This also applies to any pain that does not go away after 24 hours.

Persistent bleeding

Another sign that you need to come and see our dentist in Buckinghamshire is if there is persistent bleeding in your mouth or around your gums. You wouldn’t ignore blood continually coming out of any other part of the body so your teeth should be no different. At Garden View Dental Care our team will strive to diagnose your problem in a quick and professional manner to get you and your smile on the road to recovery.

Damaged, cracked or chipped teeth

Although it may seem obvious, some patients still don’t come in for help if they’ve managed to damage, crack or chip their teeth. This could be for a number of reasons, but mostly it tends to be that patients don’t feel the damage is extensive enough to warrant a visit. Any damage should never be ignored, as if left alone it could potentially get worse.

Cavities or decay

Cavities and decay tend to form from a poor oral health routine and if left alone they can lead to further decay, rot and even disintegration of the jawbone, if disease or a serious infection manages to creep in. So make sure any cavities or decaying teeth are immediately seen to before it gets any worse.

Gaps or crooked teeth

Gaps and crooked teeth may seem like something you can easily live with, but through cosmetic dentistry our team are able to help fill in and straighten your smile to give you a confidence boost as well as provide you with that stellar smile that you deserve. We manage this through the use of treatments such as dental implants for filling in gaps and braces for straightening out any troublesome teeth.

These are just a few things to keep an eye out for that might hint at you requiring a visit to our practice. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms then do not hesitate to get in touch with our team, as solving these issues before they get worse should be your number one priority.