Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Straighten up that smile with clear braces in Buckinghamshire

When it comes to keeping your teeth looking great our team have a number of tricks up their sleeves in the form of innovative and unique treatments that will help your teeth stand the test of time. One particular procedure we might recommend for you is to book an appointment for removable clear braces in Buckinghamshire.

clear-braces-buckinghamshireHere’s a little additional information about why and when we would recommend this to our patients.

What are they?

Patients looking for clear braces in Buckinghamshire, (which are not the fixed ceramic braces), can expect to be given a see-through plastic removable aligner, worn for a set period of time to straighten up crooked teeth. The idea is that this appliance will exert a small amount of pressure on your teeth at key points to slowly realign them, just like an ordinary brace. But where this one differs is that you can take it out at any point to clean your teeth or eat meals, as well as keep the appliance free from bacteria, plaque and food particles.

Treatment times last up to 12 months depending on a number of factors such as the amount of teeth being realigned, their location and the age of the patient.

 How do I wear them?

Wearing the brace is incredibly easy as all you need to do is just pop it into your mouth and leave it there for as long as you’re instructed to by your dentist. Ideally you should have it there for a minimum of 22 hours a day to ensure that the realignment goes through without a hitch, but you can remove it for cleaning and eating as we previously mentioned.

At Garden View Dental Care our team will explain how the braces work in detail, to allow you to make the most of your new oral addition.

Facts about the fitting process

The actual method by which we will measure and then fit you for braces is where things get interesting and a little science fiction! Using a series of lasers or LEDs, depending on the type of machine, we will be able to scan your teeth to map out their exact measurements. This data is then used to produce a 3D image that we can then manipulate to show you how and where your teeth will be realigned. This is then sent off to a laboratory to produce your set of braces that you then have to wear.

Depending on the realignment needed you may be asked to wear a number of graduated braces with different pressure points built in, but our team will usually discuss this with you first.

 How to keep your braces clean

Generally, we advise that you use a recommended cleaning solution that is lightly scrubbed over the brace every other day. This will kill harmful bacteria, clear out plaque and help reduce staining.

These are just a few interesting facts about these practically invisible braces. If you are interested in learning more about this procedure or would like to see what they can do for you, then contact our practice and have a chat with our team as soon as possible.