Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

Straighten your teeth subtly with clear braces in Buckinghamshire

One major obstacle for adults who wish to straighten their teeth is the common misconception that teeth straightening treatment has to equal metal braces.

At Garden View Dental Care, we appreciate that metal braces are often the last option for patients with busy personal and professional lives. That’s why we offer a range of more discreet options, including Six Month Smiles and clear braces in Buckinghamshire.

Clear Braces in BuckinghamshireSix Month Smiles or clear braces?

When you come to our dental practice for a consultation, your dentist will examine your teeth and your bite, listen to your concerns and help you create a treatment plan to suit your individual needs.

Thanks to Six Month Smiles, our dental team can improve the alignment of your smile quickly and effectively. The treatment consists of fixed, tooth-coloured brackets and wires that help straighten your front teeth in only six months (or less). Unlike regular braces, Six Month Smiles braces do not affect your bite and focus only on your front teeth.

This treatment is ideal for patients with simple alignment problems, who wish to straighten their teeth in preparation for an important event.

Clear braces, on the other hands, straighten teeth discreetly, and can even be removed periodically, making them easier to fit around your busy lifestyle. Removable clear braces in Buckinghamshire are comfortable to wear, easy to clean and do not require a lot of adjustments.

Why is it important to straighten your teeth?

Your teeth play an important role in your oral and overall health. If your teeth are not straight, you may not be chewing properly, which can cause digestive problems. Moreover, having overcrowded and crooked teeth can create close-fitting spaces in your mouth, which can cause overlapping.

Also, brushing and flossing will become challenging if your teeth are not aligned. Bacteria and plaque will hide into the crevices of your teeth, leading to tooth decay and gum disease, which can also contribute to other serious health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

Contact us

To learn more about teeth straightening in Buckinghamshire and explore your treatment options, please contact our friendly team today.