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Where beautiful smiles are created

Taking my child to visit the dentist

There are a lot of responsibilities that a parent must ensure that they have under control when it comes to the proper care of their child. During the daily ebbs and flows of life, taking your child to visit their dentist in Buckinghamshire can sometimes slip down the list of importance.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireWe are here to remind you today of how important it is for your child to come in and see us every once in a while, not only for us to be able to monitor the changes and the health of their teeth and gums, but for the emotional connections that they develop, even from a very young age, that will determine their mentality towards dental care in the future.

The earlier that you can make it to visit a dentist in Buckinghamshire with your child, the better. As the first tooth erupts in babies, we would love for you to come in and visit us so that we can get to know you, know your little one and establish a positive relationship right from the beginning.

These early visits are a great way for you to make sure you are doing all you can to establish good oral hygiene habits and to keep their milk teeth clean and free from decay. Monitoring from a professional is the best way in ensuring that young teeth are strong and healthy.

Untreated dental decay can have devastatingly negative effects on a child both emotionally and physically. If they need to undergo uncomfortable procedures when they’re young, these experiences can have a negative impact on how they view us as their healthcare helpers. As they grow, they can develop anxiety or fear of the dentist which can result in avoidance in later life, with disastrous consequences.

Preventive care is the best kind of care that we provide and the healthy relationship starts here. We can offer a range of treatments that are designed to protect your little one’s teeth from harm. By getting in touch with us to see what we can do for your child, we can provide you with all the information that you need so that you are informed in your decision.

What are some of these treatments available?

Fissure treatments cover the biting surfaces of teeth that are subject to decay as the deep grooves are typically hard to reach for both children and adults alike. As food sits in these grooves the bacteria eats away at the enamel and causes cavities that need to be filled.

A sealant fills in these grooves and seals the tooth, protecting it from harm. It is undetectable once applied and can be reapplied as it wears off over time.

Fluoride applications are an effective and safe way to ensure that the teeth are mineralised which is important for strength and longevity. We understand that there is some concern and confusion surrounding fluoride and its effects on the body and therefore we offer a way that uses this necessary mineral precisely where it is needed. We have plenty of information here with a dentist in Buckinghamshire available to you to help you make an informed decision for your child’s health.