Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

The dentist answers your commonly asked questions about bad breath

The cause for one of the most common dental issues – bad breath – is hard to pin down without the help of a Dentist in Buckinghamshire. This is because there could be a number of different factors that come into play from poor oral health to a medical condition. It is best for patients to consult with a  Dentist in Buckinghamshire to determine the root cause or causes. Once our  Dentist in Buckinghamshire conducts a thorough oral health assessment,  we can then advise on the best course of treatment to address the problem.


What patients want to know most about bad breath

In the interests of patient education, we thought we’d provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions our dental practitioners are asked about bad breath.

  • What are some of the best ways to prevent bad breath developing?

 The first thing we recommend is to look after your oral hygiene.  This means not only taking the time to clean teeth and gums, but to brush the tongue as well. Many patients are often unaware of the importance of tongue cleaning.  Bacteria can thrive on the tongue’s uppermost layer which leads to bad breath.

 Seek appropriate dental care for underlying issues such as tooth decay, abscesses, dry mouth and periodontal disease. The role of a dentist is critical in not only treating bad breath, but in preventing the condition too.

  • Can smoking tobacco cause bad breath?

Smoking has been associated with bad breath along with other dental issues such as teeth discolouration, gum disease and oral cancer. If smoking is the cause of bad breath, the only option for the patient is to stop the habit.

  • Can a health issue bring on bad breath?

There are a number of medical conditions that can give rise to chronic bad breath. These include: diabetes, kidney problems, and acid reflux. It is important to let our dentist know if you have any of these health issues.

  • Can sugar-free gum help improve bad breath?

 The main role of chewing gum (sugar-free variety is recommended) is to stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth. This is especially important for patients exhibiting dry mouth syndrome. The mouth requires saliva to help flush out bacteria, as well as food particles that are left behind after eating.

  • What products can I use to banish bad breath?

Patients can make use of a number of products that may assist in controlling bad breath. These are specially-formulated products that we can recommend. Toothpastes, mouth rinses, and oral sprays can be particularly beneficial.

To help a dental practitioner identify the cause of bad breath, a good idea is for patients to record what they eat in a food diary and to bring this along to their appointment.

Bad breath is a very treatable condition and there is no need for a patient to shy away from social events. If you suspect you may have a halitosis problem, why not schedule an appointment with one of our experienced dentists at Garden View dental clinic today? It is always best to address any dental issues as soon as it arises to prevent the need for complicated treatment in the future.