Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

The torture of toothache

Isn’t toothache the worst? I’m pretty sure that if you’ve ever experienced this excruciating pain you’ll agree with me. According to NHS Choices, toothache becomes present when the dental pulp inside of a tooth becomes inflamed, which can cause severe pain, often resulting in the sufferer needing to visit an emergency dentist. Buckinghamshire dentist, Dr Makhani, of Garden View Dental Care, advises his patients to contact their clinic as soon as possible if they need an emergency appointment, and they will try their best to accommodate them if an appointment is available. Many dentists understand and sympathise with the pain caused by toothache, and are available to help if toothache should occur.They do however strongly encourage people to take preventative measures,such as brushing twice per day, flossing, and avoiding sugary drinks.

emergency-dentist-in-BuckinghamshireThe fear of dentists

Colgate Oral Care Centre says that a high amount of people possess a phobia of going to visit their dentist. One of the main reasons for this, is the fear of receiving an injection. The fear of needles is a common phobia, which can often be to the detriment of effective oral care, and minor tooth treatments. If someone experiences minor toothache, or has a crack, hole or chip in their tooth they should visit the dentist as soon as they can,to enable the problem to be treated in the early stages. However, the fear of receiving an injection often deters people from seeking initial dental treatment,which can then make the problem escalate, causing severe toothache and requiring a trip to the emergency dentist. Buckinghamshire clinic, Garden View Dental Care, offer a solution to this with their painless wand injections designed especially for nervous patients. The wand is an alternative to a needle and is used to administer anaesthesia to patients. It’s pain free, and as an additional benefit, will not numb the cheek, tongue or face. The use of the wand at the Garden View Dental Centre, will undoubtedly be greatly appreciated by its current and future nervous patients, and could encourage people to seek dental treatment when they initially notice a problem, hopefully decreasing the demand for an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire.