Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

What an emergency dentist can do for you

If you need an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire, get in touch with Garden View Dental Care now on 01494 674 857. As well as being painful, dental emergencies can be both stressful and frightening. It’s always best to see a dentist as soon as possible, both to get you out of pain and to improve the chances of being able to save the affected tooth.

Emergency Dentist in BeaconsfieldAt our Beaconsfield clinic, we will always try to get you in to see the emergency dentist on the same day whenever possible. The earlier you call, the more chance you have of securing a same-day appointment. Our Beaconsfield clinic also offers out-of-hours emergency dentist services, although an additional charge will be applied for this.

When to call the emergency dentist

Many things constitute a dental emergency, from knocked-out teeth to the sudden appearance of a dental abscess. Below are some common emergency scenarios, along with what your Beaconsfield emergency dentist may to do help.

Remember that it will not always be possible to complete all treatment in a single appointment, particularly if infection is present. You may therefore have to return to our Beaconsfield clinic to ensure that your condition is fully cured.

Emergency: Broken tooth

Teeth can, unfortunately, be all too easily damaged by accidents and injuries – road traffic accidents or trips and falls, for example. The emergency dentist will assess the damage, get you out of pain, and may fit a temporary crown or filling, booking you in for a future appointment to have the tooth permanently restored.

Emergency: Dental abscess

A dental abscess is a painful swelling caused by infection in or around the root canal system of a tooth. Your Beaconsfield emergency dentist will get you out of pain and may drain the abscess under local anaesthetic. Severe infection may require a course of antibiotics, and you are likely to need root canal treatment.

Emergency: Knocked-out tooth

If you still have the tooth, your emergency dentist may be able to re-implant it. Alternatively, tooth replacement options such as implants or bridges will be discussed.