Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

What to expect when visiting the dentist in Buckinghamshire with your children for the first time

Whether your toddler has a mouth full of teeth or only a few coming through, it is time to start thinking about visiting the dentist. Baby teeth are not permanent, but it is really important to keep them clean and healthy.

At Garden View Dental Care, we offer a wide variety of dental care services for children. From their first teeth to impacted wisdom teeth, we help parents and children understand the importance of good oral hygiene and prevention within a warm and comfortable environment.

Dentist in BuckinghamshireFirst dental visit

At your child’s first dental visit, our dentist in Buckinghamshire will examine their teeth for early signs of disease and also look for potential problems with the head, neck or jaw. We will also evaluate the bite, facial growth and development of your child’s teeth and determine whether they will need teeth straightening treatment in the future.

If needed, we will clean their teeth gently and demonstrate various tooth brushing techniques and positions to help you maximise your child’s oral care.

Bringing your child to the dentist early often leads to a lifetime of good oral care not to mention that your child become familiar with the dentist, thereby making them less susceptible to fear or anxiety.

If your child’s teeth are prone to cavities, we will suggest preventive treatments such as fluoride applications and dental sealants. X-rays may also be necessary to establish the degree of development of their teeth and determine whether there is any hidden tooth decay.

How should I prepare my child for their dental visit?

Parents should be as casual as possible about visiting the dentist and be able to explain things in a way that is truthful and informative yet non-threatening. Role-playing is a great idea, since it will help your child learn what to expect at the dental practice. You can also explain to your child the procedures they will undergo, but avoid using frightening or intimidating words.

At Garden View Dental Care, we want treatment to be as pleasant as possible. Our Buckinghamshire dentist will listen to your concerns and help you create the best treatment plan for your child.