Call us: 01494 674 857 Garden View Dental Care 54 Penn Road, Beaconsfield HP9 2LS
Where beautiful smiles are created

When to see a dentist as soon as possible

Taking risks is a part of enjoying life to the fullest, but sometimes those sports and games we enjoy, or even work, can lead to chipped and broken teeth, or having a tooth knocked out. This is when we need to find an emergency dentist. Beaconsfield’s Garden View Dental Care offers emergency dental care.

emergency-dentist-in-BeaconsfieldOur emergency dentist will try to see you on the same day as your injury happens.

Why do I need to see an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire

Depending on the severity of your injury, seeing an emergency dentist considerably improves your chances of full recovery. If one or more of your teeth are knocked out, same day appointments offer a much higher probably of re-implanting your teeth.

What happens when I go to see an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire

At Garden View Dental Care, our emergency dentist will offer you a thorough examination of the injured area, which may include dental x-rays to determine the extent of the damage.

Also, at the emergency dentist appointment, a local anaesthetic is used to numb the pain, depending on the severity, and the injured area is sterilised to reduce the risk of infection. The emergency dentist will restore the damaged teeth, either temporarily or permanently, depending on the case. Some teeth may be too severely damaged, in which case, the emergency dentist will extract the tooth and discuss implant treatment with you. A dental implant is a small screw, usually made of titanium, which is implanted into the jaw where the tooth used to be. An artificial tooth, bridge or crown can then be screwed on to the screw. Implants offer a long-term solution to lost teeth.

How do I get an appointment with an emergency dentist in Buckinghamshire?

If you require emergency dental treatment, you should ask to see a dentist as soon as possible.

At Garden View, we offer emergency dentist appointments not only for broken and lost teeth, but also for other dental emergencies, including toothache, lost or broken crowns and fillings, abscesses, trauma, avulsed teeth and facial swelling.

If you have an emergency, please call us as soon as possible and we will endeavour to see you the same day.